
The advantages of RFID for jewellery

The advantages of RFID for jewellery
The jewellery industry worldwide deals with very expensive and often very small products, from tiny diamonds to wristwatches, rings, earrings, pendants, cufflinks, etc. In addition, the materials are varied and expensive, such as gold or platinum and valuable gems. The cost of design and brand is also added to their value. Therefore, in this field of business, security systems and insurance companies are involved, which require a very detailed justification of inventories and security with detailed reports. Fortunately, RFID for jewellery help to avoid losses, theft and counterfeiting.

Related to everything above, for business management, transportation, storage control and traceability of items, RFID solutions are a key element for the optimal functioning of all the processes involved.

In the case of jewellery, counting these pieces manually with barcodes is an intensive and time-consuming job. Consequently, the use of RFID UHF tags has meant an improvement and saving. RFID technology provides a huge benefit to the jewellery industry that was previously lost during work hours, losses and thefts.
RFID implementations for jewellery provide an end-to-end solution from the first inventory to the final sale of the item. The item is marked with an RFID tag, with which the inventory is fed of information thanks to the readers who are located in different strategic points of the store. Any item in the inventory that is not read within the room or leaving it activates the alarms.
The RFID system makes the hard task of objects traceability who require a lot of security easier, with this system accounting and control are carried out more quickly and precisely. RFID technology for jewellery increases efficiency and improves working conditions.

Main benefits of an RFID system

  • Faster and more accurate inventory management
  • Constant update of information on real-time of each item in the inventory
  • Greater security for valuable items
  • Diligent individual monitoring of each item
  • Increase in staff efficiency
  • Facilitates billing
  • Better traceability of multiple articles
  • Fast invoicing at the counters and less waiting lines
  • Detailed reports by article
  • To avoid counterfeiting

Recommended RFID tags for jewellery

The RFID tag TB36 Ringtrace is specially optimized for jewellery and wristwatches. With a small size of 24.3 x 11.8 mm and the chip of IMPINJ Monza R6. Due to its size, it is also suitable for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.

The smallest RFID tag of Trace ID

The RFID tag TB24 Ringtrace is our smallest label and it’s also optimized for jewellery and wristwatches.
Sources: Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash.

RFID tags produced by Trace-ID

Improve the efficiency and safety of your processes and goods thanks to an RFID system

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